Continuous monitoring and validation of AI models are crucial to ensure expected performance and to remain compliant with regulatory standards…
– AI Insight
AI Governance – Step 3: Establish and manage AI risks and controls
Effectively managing the risks associated with AI is essential for ensuring that models operate reliably and ethically…
AI Governance – Step 2: Register your AI systems and models
An essential component of any AI Governance process is maintaining an inventory of all AI models and systems…
AI Governance – Step 1: Defining your AI compliance landscape
The initial step in establishing an effective AI Governance framework involves delineating the organization’s AI compliance landscape…
AI Governance: A 5-step framework for implementing responsible and compliant AI
The rapid integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies across various sectors has prompted the emergence of regulatory frameworks….
Hacking your own AI: The art of LLM Red Teaming
Releasing an LLM without proper safeguards is like unleashing a bull in a china shop. That’s where red teaming comes in…
LLM Security: Why red teaming your AI is more important than ever
As the lead product data scientist at 2021.AI, I’ve seen firsthand the incredible potential of LLMs, but also the unique security challenges and…
Are LLMs the future of customer service?
Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT have become increasingly popular, not just for personal use, but also for businesses seeking to…
Responsible AI: A critical license to operate
This blog post aims to cut through the confusion surrounding terms like Ethical AI and AI Governance, showing how they contribute to the broader goal of Responsible AI…
Revolutionizing knowledge management with responsible AI: The power of Large Language Models
Large Language Models offer a revolutionary approach to knowledge management, empowered by AI. While challenges like data security…
AI trends in 2024
The rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are transforming the business landscape. Below is a breakdown of key considerations for businesses of all sizes to navigate…
Building trustworthy AI: Why TRiSM is your key to the EU AI Act
As the wave of interest in generative AI sweeps through industries, the rush to adopt AI models and applications often overlooks the inherent risks…