Red Teaming: How to challenge and secure LLMs

By Ahmed Zewain

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Welcome to our nineteenth episode of AI Watch!

This episode of AI Watch discusses the concept of red teaming in the context of LLMs. Hear 2021.AI’s lead product data scientist, Ahmed Zewain, explain the definition, goals, and methods of red teaming, emphasizing the importance of continuous testing and improvement for the safe and ethical use of LLMs.

Ditte: Hi, and welcome to this episode of AI Watch. My name is Ditte, and with me today I have Ahmed. Ahmed is our product lead data scientist here at 2021.AI, and he's responsible for our great LLM solutions. Welcome, Ahmed.

Ahmed: Thank you.

Ditte: Today we're going to talk about red teaming and how to challenge and secure your LLMs as AI Watch is this brief piece we have. We also have a deep dive in a webinar in September that you're very welcome to join if you want to hear even more about this subject. LLMs, of course, are a big thing these days. We hear a lot about them. We hear about all of the great successes and opportunities they have, but we also hear about some of the challenges. And red teaming is about facing those challenges and fixing it, right?

Ahmed: Yes.

Ditte: So in your definition, Ahmed, what is red teaming?

Ahmed: It's actually a military word, and it comes from the concept of trying to simulate an attack by the red team and you are the blue team, and then you try to simulate what could go wrong and how would I react. So you try to figure out what vulnerabilities you have and how you can mitigate those. So that concept has been used in IT and security generally, and now it is finding its way to LLM and LLM applications. So in the context of LLMs, you simulate and you try to figure out what can go wrong, and you do that by the method of red teaming.

Ahmed Zewain

Ahmed Zewain

Lead Product Data Scientist, 2021.AI

Ahmed Zewain is a Lead Product Data Scientist at 2021.AI with an MA in mathematical modeling and computing, and extensive knowledge of several data engineering tools. Ahmed’s skills include building ML POC projects and taking them further into production for a wide variety of clients.

Watch the webinar to learn more…

Webinar: Red Teaming

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