October 2017

Microsoft Spark Award winner at successful applied AI event

Use Cases
GRACE AI Platform
AI Compliance

Copenhagen, Denmark

2021.AI hosted an Applied AI Event at Microsoft, along with the recently receiving one of the Microsoft Partner awards.

The past two weeks have been very exciting here at 2021.AI. Things are progressing quickly and we are super busy. We are working hard with our partner Microsoft to expand our AI as a Service portfolio. Last Monday 2021.AI hosted an Applied AI Event hosted at Microsoft, along with recently receiving one of the Microsoft Partner awards.

2021.AI received a Microsoft Partner Award 2017 in the Spark category

We recently received a Microsoft Partner Award 2017 in the Spark category. This category is full of startups that are at the forefront of technology and advancing the way we think about technology.

A quote from Microsoft’s Marianne Dahl Steensen:

“2021.AI is this year’s Danish Spark 2017. They have had fantastic growth the last year and have grown to more than 30 employees. In a short period, 2021.AI has created a company on the forefront of technological innovation, out from a mission of democratizing AI and tackling the shortage of data scientists. The jury believes that their solution is both forward thinking and useful in a time where more and more AI startups are bringing new, interesting solutions to the table.”

Danny Lange speaking at the Applied AI Event

Danny Lange speaking at the Applied AI Event

2021.AI has recently hosted the Applied AI Event with Microsoft. We had some top speakers from around the world to deliver presentation on AI deployment best practices. From Unity Technologies, we had Danny Lange talking about the role of Deep Learning in the Gaming industry, and how gaming environments can be great for testing real world simulations. We also had Mikkel Barth-Højgaard from Novozymes about how AI can be applied across the biotech sector. Lastly, we had Davide Roverso from eSmart Systems showing us really cool applications for AI in the energy sector with drones.

Davide Roverso speaking at the Applied AI Event

Davide Roverso speaking at the Applied AI Event

The event really showed the increased interest towards AI technology in Denmark now. We had a broad range of guests attend, with a full house. Stay tuned!

Applied AI Event at Microsoft


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