Copenhagen, Denmark
2021.AI is pleased to announce the appointment of Kathrine Stampe Andersen as a new Member of the Board effective June 1st, 2020.
Kathrine has 10+ years of experience within tech, telco, and the media industry with a focus on Digital Growth, Governmental Affairs, and Strategic Partnerships. Her previous roles include Senior Vice President in the telecom incumbent TDC Group (listed at NASDAQ) and Market Vice President in The Danish Chamber of Commerce. Kathrine also served as Deputy Chair on the Board of the Telecom Industry Association and has been appointed by the Minister of Industry, Business, and Financial Affairs as a member of the Board of Directors in Digital Hub Denmark.
Kathrine Stampe Andersen – Member of the Board, 2021.AI
“It is with great pleasure that I have accepted this appointment, and I look very much forward to joining the Board of 2021.AI. The company has already shown remarkable results and impact on the global AI-scene, and I am very excited, happy, and humbled to join the team,” Kathrine says and continues:
“AI has the limitless potential to become more intelligent than any human being, and going forward, companies worldwide need to transition into the world of AI and Machine Learning. However, this transition should be embedded by ethical, transparent and trustworthy AI-solutions and deliver on future regulatory frameworks. 2021.AI has a demonstrated track record delivering on these ethical aspects, and I look forward to contributing to a trustworthy AI-journey together with the 2021.AI-team,” Kathrine states.
Mikael Munck, founder, and CEO of 2021.AI and Peter Sondergaard, Chairman of the Board, are looking forward to having Kathrine onboard, stating that Kathrine will monumentally strengthen the company in its effort to support and guide its global clients on their AI journey:
“Taking AI to the next level requires ethical, commercial and regulatory unparalleled insights and Kathrine will be an invaluable asset because she bridges international business, tech, and governmental affairs on the senior executive level and I am very pleased to have Kathrine teaming up with us,” Mikael says, and Peter continues:
“Being a rapidly growing company, it is important for our increasing number of global customers and partners worldwide, that we reflect diversity also at board level and attract female executives, that can motivate and inspire more women in AI, and in Kathrine, we have found that profile,” Peter says.
2021.AI’s Board of Directors now comprises Peter Sondergaard (Chairman), Danny Lange, Michael Sauer, Kathrine Stampe Andersen and Jens Friis Hjortegaard as members of the Board.
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