April 2020

Opening up the GRACE AI Platform to accelerate the response to COVID-19

Use Cases
GRACE AI Platform

Copenhagen, Denmark

In the wake of the global spread of COVID-19, it is important more than ever before to develop solutions to fight the virus and related crisis problems. To foster collaboration and share knowledge, 2021.AI now offers free access to the Data- and AI platform, GRACE.

An increasing number of people across multiple types of research institutions and companies are leveraging data-driven approaches to tackle the different problems under the COVID-19 outbreak. While many researchers and companies are working on individual projects and models, there is a tremendous potential in uniting efforts by sharing results to accelerate and improve findings, and ultimately achieve higher efficiency and better results. Collaboration and joint contributions are so much more powerful.

2021.AI will offer a collaborative AI platform to assist in fighting the COVID-19 crisis. By accelerating collaboration across communities, such as academic institutions, governmental institutions, and companies, 2021.AI offers free access to the GRACE AI Platform, preloaded with a range of public data sets and standard AI models. By opening up the platform for collaboration, more people will have the opportunity to contribute and directly address COVID-19 related problems.

In addition to the GRACE AI Platform, 2021.AI will offer access and free data science expertise, training, and support for AI model development. This will be delivered together with Neural, a Danish data science organization, who are joining this initiative with their members’ cross-disciplinary competencies within data science and medicine.

2021.AI believes that almost all data research and development efforts can be much more efficient when supported by data sciences expertise to substantially accelerate the development of new data, AI solutions and innovative thinking.

"We have a clear ambition with this project, which is to contribute directly with our assets and resources to assist in fighting the COVID-19 crisis. Our GRACE Platform and data science expertise can both, directly and indirectly, impact COVID-19 related projects, supporting as many as possible with the new insights and solutions. The keywords here are cross-disciplinary collaboration and joint contributions making all contributors more powerful and efficient in tackling COVID-19 crisis projects," says Mikael Munck, Founder and CEO at 2021.AI.

How can Data Science and AI help tackle COVID-19 problems?

There are many relevant use cases where advanced Data Sciences and AI can contribute to tackle COVID-19 problems and challenges. A few examples include:

  • Forecast outbreaks – by identifying the characteristics of the spread and forecast future trends
  • Cluster analysis, e.g., by country or regions – by clustering similar countries or regions based on their outbreak patterns and adequately act on it
  • Diagnose COVID-19 – by using data to reveal hidden patterns in the virus that allows easier diagnosis
  • Informative chatbots – for alleviating informative healthcare personnel based on historical interactions
  • Process health claims – alleviating healthcare personnel by autonomously processing claims using natural language processing (NLP)
  • Speed up drug development – by detecting patterns that characterize the challenges to overcome w.r.t. the high attrition rates in drug development and production in the pharma industry
  • Optimize supply chains – production lines can be optimized by discovering hidden casualties between production stages allowing the improvement of hidden bottlenecks.

The illustration hereunder is the Epidemic Calculator integrated in the GRACE AI platform as one example of standard tools now embedded into the GRACE platform.

Epidemic Calculator integrated in the GRACE AI platform

The above are a few examples of opportunities to be explored. The GRACE AI Platform will also contain standard predictive AI models, i.e. on how each country will be affected in the future, these models can then be integrated and linked to external BI Platforms or other systems.

standard predictive AI models linked to external BI Platforms
A robust and transparent Data- and AI platform to ensure collaboration and adequate compliance

The GRACE Platform efficiently facilitates versatile and flexible collaboration, while also providing Data- and AI Governance, including Audit Trail and documentation along with validation of model design principles, and internal model design parameters. Should participants in this initiative require specific AI Governance support to validate that scientific methods are trustworthy and reliable, such additional support will be individually evaluated by 2021.AI.

Join the initiative today!

The initiative includes 4-weeks of free access to the GRACE AI Platform. With limited capacity, 2021.AI reserves the right to prioritize projects and data science support.

Contact 2021.AI

For further information about the initiative, please reach out to us via covid19@2021.ai

About 2021.AI

2021.AI serves the growing need for applied AI. Our data science expertise combined with our GRACE AI Platform offers a true AI differentiator for clients around the world. With GRACE, Data Scientists can solve some of the most complex problems, and at the same time provide organizations with the most comprehensive data and AI Governance for ethical, transparent, and trustworthy model development. 2021.AI is headquartered in Copenhagen with sales and R&D in several locations globally.


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